What you need to know about LSAJL scholarships
Dear Counselor,
The Lebanese Syrian American Junior League is awarding college scholarships to an academically outstanding young man and woman of Lebanese or Syrian descent residing in the Greater Cleveland area. The student must be graduating in either the January or June class of this current school year with a “B” or better scholastic average.
If you have a student(s) eligible for this scholarship, we would appreciate your cooperation in sending us an official copy of the student’s high school transcript, any ACT or SAT scores as well as recommendation letters in your custody along with the application completed by the student. It is encouraged to send applications or supporting documents from students or schools electronically with verification of sender. You still have the option to mail in completed application packets to address provided in the 2025 application. Below you will find one (1) 2-page application and one (1) release of school information form (only needed if your school does not have its own transcript request).
Please discard any previous year applications you may have on hand as only year 2025 applications and guidelines will be considered. Feel free to make copies if necessary. To ensure that the judges have sufficient time to review the applications, all completed forms must be received electronically or postmarked by March 31, 2025. No applications will be accepted after the deadline.
Completed forms and transcripts can be emailed to: lsajlscholarship@gmail.com